Thanksgiving / Stewardship
Come With Thanksgiving
Simple, yet stately, this anthem based on Psalm 100 works perfectly for any service of thanksgiving or praise. A straightforward piano accompaniment nicely blends with the vocal parts and offers excellent melodic support throughout the piece. Unison/2-Part Treble with Piano Accompaniment; Accompaniment CD available on the "Celebration Trax" 2013-2014 CD.
Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press) |
HL 35028766 - Unison / Two Part |
HL 35028756 - Accompaniment Track (Compilation) |
Come with Thanksgiving
Simple yet stately, this anthem based on Psalm 100 works perfectly for any service of thanksgiving or praise. A straightforward piano accompaniment blends nicely with the vocal parts, offering excellent melodic support throughout the piece. An Accompaniment / Performance CD is available.
Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press) |
35028766 - Unison/opt. 2-Part Treble |
35028756 - Celebration Trax A/P CD |
First Fruits
This anthem of grateful devotion celebrates God's wonderful gifts to us. Quoting I Chronicles 29: 1, 14, the text reminds us that all that we have already belongs to the Lord. Opening with original music, it quite naturally leads to a statement of the beloved traditional hymn "Hendon" by Frances Havergal and Cesar Malan, "Take My LIfe and Let it Be." Elegant keyboard accompaniment is crowned by an optional obbligato for flute or other C-instrument. For General, Harvest, Thanksgiving, or Stewardship use.
Lorenz |
10/3898L - SATB with opt. Flute |
99/2551L - P/A CD |
For All of Life
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Inspiring, life-affirming work by Ruth Elaine Schram & Douglas Nolan. The text message soars on this beautiful melody! "We thank you, God, for innocence, for childhood dreams, laughter and friends, the strength of youth, the growth of mind. We thank you God for all of life." A marvelous multi-generational anthem, it features adult, youth and children's choirs and senior adults singing as one voice about the joys and sorrows, trials and tribulations of life, making an outstanding home and family anthem as well as a gracious Thanksgiving Day offering. Share this lovely song of gratitude with your congregation, they will be talking about it for weeks to come!
Shawnee Press |
A7739 - SATB / Youth / Children |
For the Autumn Sky
View SATB score page 3, page 4
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There are many things to be thankful for in God's beautiful world -- for the ever-changing seasons; for the crisp, chill breeze of an autumn wind; for the sun and the rejuvenating rain; for the fertile earth and its bountiful harvest; but mostly for God's gift of His Son and His promise of eternal life. These precious gifts of God create the framework for this beautiful, gently flowing song of thanks and praise from Ruth Elaine Schram, suitable for Thanksgiving or anytime during the fall season.
Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.
Alfred (formerly Belwin Mills / Warner Bros.) |
BSCM00023 - SATB |
29248 - SAB |
Giving Thanks
Dancing gently in 3/4 meter, this anthem of thanksgiving reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from God. Melodic repetition and a recurring refrain make the piece easy to learn and sing.
Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press) |
HL 35028254 - Unison / Opt. 2-Part Treble |
35028264 - Celebration Trax A/P CD |
Harvest Song
This one-rehearsal wonder will yield great results with minimal preparation. Written in an easy to learn partner-style, this is a gentle and elegant thanksgiving moment for your choir. Simply lovely! The incorporation of the familiar "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" adds to the celebration.
Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press) |
35027275 - Two Part Any Combination |
Hymn of Thanks
Gentle setting of Psalm 100 by Linda Walker and Ruth Elaine Schram is set in minor mode with optional Flute or other C-instrument, and flows with simplistic beauty. The mood created with the use of the minor key is unique and refreshing. Set for Three Part voices in any combination; works beautifully for mixed voices, ladies' voices or advanced children's choirs. Originally published by Shawnee Press.
Dot Music Resources offers the anthem as well as an anthem resources package which includes a teaching plan, activity pages, visuals and much more. (Available at the links in the table below.)
Shawnee Press |
D-5441 - Three Part Any Combination (Shop now at Dot Music Resources) |
D-5441RSC - Anthem Resources (Shop now at Dot Music Resources) |
I Will Live My Thanks
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This tender song of Thanksgiving and praise by Ruth Elaine Schram and Joseph M. Martin is unforgettable. Compelling yet gentle, it is easily learned so that the emphasis can be placed on the expressive qualities. Commissioned in honor of Elizabeth Monk on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
Shawnee Press |
A8510 - SATB |
In Everything Give Thanks
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Based on the beloved passage in Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 and I Thessalonians 5:18, this song encourages us to give thanks to God in everything. "In everything, we give thanks. There's a time to sow, and there's a time to reap, there's a time to laugh, a time to weep, but in everything, we give thanks..." Straightforward without being simplistic, the message is highlighted by memorable music in this anthem of thanks and praise for General, Thanksgiving, or Stewardship use.
Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.
Alfred |
32286 - SATB |
In Thanks and Praise
View score page 1, page 2, page 3
This versatile original anthem has texts for both Thanksgiving and general use. Solid, accessible four-part writing is supported by a flowing eighth note accompaniment. Lovely and adaptable to meet your needs!
Alfred (formerly Warner Bros.) |
BSCM04016 - SATB |
Little Eyes are Watching You
View SATB score page 1, page 2
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This gentle yet powerful anthem is useful throughout the church year, especially for baptism, child or family dedication, Mother's or Father's Day, teacher ordination and stewardship. Based on Ephesians 5:1-2, a narrator begins (optionally) by quoting "Be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and life a life of love." Then the children begin by singing "Little eyes are watching you. Be imitators of God." Then the adults come in: "Little eyes are watching me, watching everything I do. Little imitators, watching; Lord, help me be like You..." Very effective.
Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.
Alfred |
21579 - SATB/Children (Level Three) |
21580 - Two Part Mix/Children (Level Two) |
Now Thank We All Our God
This hymn arrangement for unison or two-part voices by Ruth Elaine Schram pairs the familiar tune, Nun Danket, with a new counter-melody, providing a great opportunity to introduce part-singing to young, developing choirs. Highlights include a fully supportive accompaniment and vocals well crafted for young singers.
Growing in Grace (Celebrating Grace) |
622021305 - 2-Part Treble |
636021305 - Demo MP3 |
646021305 - Accompaniment MP3 |
Prayludes for Autumn
Ruth Elaine Schram finishes her musical trip through the seasons in this fourth volume of her popular Prayludes series. As you page through the leaves of this Autumn collection, you'll find medleys of hymns for Thanksgiving, Christ the King Sunday, All Saints' Day, as well as topical selections for missions or stewardship Sundays. As always, each medley is designed for maximum flexibility to help you to prepare brief fillers or full preludes and offertories. All are easy to prepare and lie comfortably under the hands. Complete your seasonal collection with this colorful fall celebration.
Songs Include: "Blessings," "Hallelujah!," "What a Beautiful World," "Tell the Nations," "Our Foundation, Our Guide," "Crown Him King," "We Thank You God," "We Gather, We Praise," and "For the Saints."
Song of Joyful Thanks
This tender original anthem from Ruth Elaine Schram and Aren Newell Williams is excellent for the Thanksgiving season or throughout the rest of the year. Voiced for two-part mixed or SAB choirs, it is an easy-to-prepare anthem that serves many purposes. Energetic and joyful!
Lorenz |
10/5167L - Two-part Mixed / SAB |
Thank You Again
View score page 3, page 4
With tender music appropriate for her text, Ruth Elaine Schram has written a lovely two-part treble piece that will do much to encourage thoughtfulness in young singers. The piece is particularly suitable for Thanksgiving or Patriotic use, acknowledging the contribution of parents and grandparents in our lives, with alternate text to honor civil servants such as police, firefighters and the armed forces that would make this piece suitable for Thanksgiving services, or patriotic celebrations such as Memorial Day, July 4, and Labor Day.
Carl Fischer |
CM9068 - Two Part Treble |
Think On These Things
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Based on Phillipians 4:4-13, this lovely song is suitable for general use or services of Thanksgiving. "For all things that are lovely, for all things that are pure, for all things that are honest, for truth that will endure; think on these things, think on these things and be thankful ..." Hopeful and inspirational.
Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.
Alfred (formerly Warner Bros.) |
BSCM03045 - SATB |
We Bring Our Thanks
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Thoughtful text by J. Paul Williams set for SAB voices (in conservative three-part-mixed ranges) by Ruth Elaine Schram. Perfect for stewardship emphases, or any time an anthem of praise and thanksgiving is desired. Suitable for developing voices as well as adult ensembles.
Harold Flammer / Shawnee Press |
D5483 - SAB (Three Part Mixed) |
With a Joyful Noise
Based upon Psalm 100, this cheerful anthem sings of praise and service to the Lord. Perfect for Thanksgiving or any time of year, it includes an easily-learned, buoyant melody for unison voices. The incorporation of an optional second part adds harmonic contrast and variety, and with the optional Descant at the end, creates a beautiful build to the climax of the piece. (A C-instrument can be added on the optional second part to reinforce the vocal line or create an obbligato for unison voices.)
Growing in Grace (Celebrating Grace) |
622011301 - Unison / Opt. 2-Part Treble with Opt. Descant |
636011301 - Demo MP3 |
646011301 - Accompaniment MP3 |
With These Gifts
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In an evocative yet understated fashion, this anthem of supplication and thanks to our Creator is appropriate for any worship service, but especially those celebrating Harvest and Thanksgiving.
Laurel Press (Lorenz) |
10/3432LA - SATB |
With What Shall I Come?
View score page 4, page 6
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Customized Instrumental Accompaniment (Demo using synthesizer)
Although this is an anthem suitable for general use, it would be particularly appropriate for stewardship emphasis or as an offertory. Based on Micah 6:6-8, Ruthie Schram's inspired treatment of this text is set in a minor mode, enhancing the essence of the scripture. A creative inclusion of a portion of the familiar Isaac Watts text "Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all" is a fitting culmination and response to the opening question of the anthem.
Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.
This orchestration premiered by Settle Memorial United Methodist Church, Owensboro, Kentucky.
Exaltation (Lorenz) |
10/2849L - SATB |
10/5114L - SAB / Two-part Mixed |
You Are Provider
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"Thank you Lord, for family, for this land so brave, so free, for your guidance every day, every gift and every blessing. You are provider!..." Combining original material with the loved hymn, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" by George Elvey and Henry Alford, this skillfully written anthem gives you an opportunity to involve your children's choir or treble choir with your adult choir and the whole congregation. Easy to prepare and sing, it makes a crisp, bright offering on Thanksgiving Day!
Carl Fischer |
CM8803 - SATB/Congregation |
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