The Choral Music of Ruth Elaine Schram

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Advent Peace Canon
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MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Ruth Elaine Schram has beautifully fashioned together Pachelbel's "Canon in D" with texts of "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" and "Dona Nobis Pacem."  Suitable for Advent or Christmas services, this lovely work is sure to be a favorite!  Add the optional flute obligato to round out this inspiring piece.  Simply gorgeous!

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Alfred (formerly Warner Bros.)
BSCM04009 - SATB
BSCM04010 - SAB

Advent Promise (cover) Advent Promise
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This beautiful setting of the Advent prophecies found in Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6-7 includes an optional flute part (or other C-instrument). The flute (or piano, if flute is not used) begins, introducing the melody that later exclaims, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive..."

11462 - SATB (Level Three)

An Advent Reflection
With quiet, flowing characteristics, the text of this original anthem aptly depicts the imagery of the Advent season. Optional flute and cello parts complement the texture and expressiveness. The flexible choral parts have been conceived to be performed with either SATB or two-part mixed choirs.

Flute and Cello parts are available as a free download from the publisher.

10/5169L - SATB/Two-part Mixed
99/3939L - P/A CD

African Advent Alleluia
Celebrate the sounds of Advent in an African style! This unique anthem incorporates infectious rhythms, played by optional congas, maracas, claves, hand drum and triangle. The easily learned choral parts include the familiar "Kum Ba Ya" text and melody. A fresh and original way to worship the coming King! SATB with piano accompaniment; Instrumental parts included in the score.

Jubilate (Alfred Music)
0 80689 87627 1 - SATB / Percussion

Be Born In Us
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Moving Advent anthem by David S. Gaines & Ruth Elaine Schram. "Be born in us, O Holy Child, and let the light of Your love shine within our lives. Be born in us, O Prince of Peace, let the hope You bring this world be born in me..." It is rare to find an Advent anthem with such a sincere personal message of hope, trust and renewal. A marvelous choice for any time during the Advent season.

Exaltation (Lorenz)
10/3015L - SATB

Bring Us Hope
Choirs large and small will find this flexible anthem to be a tender, readily learned addition to their Advent or Christmas programs. The message touches on several prominent themes, making it an ideal option to return to again and again: "Bring us hope, bring us love, bring us peace from above."

10/4871L - SAB / SATB with Cello
99/3732L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Call Him Jesus
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
With or without piano accompaniment, this infectious rhythmic anthem is easy to prepare and fun to sing! For Advent or Christmas, with optional Hand Drum part included in score.

Laurel Press (Lorenz)
10/3416LA - SATB (opt. a cappella)

Carry His Light
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This easy-to-learn piece is perfect for use as a processional and/or recessional for services during the Christmas season. Voiced as Two Part Mixed, the simple melody is done once in unison, then echoed creating the effect of harmony. The bright, lively work optionally incorporates the beloved Charles Wesley text to "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus." The work may be performed a cappella or accompanied by Handbells, Piano, or both, making this a very flexible anthem for use during Advent and Christmas.

Hal Leonard
08743110 - Two Part Mixed with optional Hand Bells

Come From Heaven Above
Ruth Elaine Schram presents this energetic, syncopated original selection with dual texts, one each for Advent and Christmas. Call-and-response choral writing with dynamic contrast makes it both fun to sing and to hear! The flexible vocal texture is great for smaller adult or youth choirs. What a nice change of pace to have something upbeat for Advent! An optional Percussion part is available from the publisher as a free download.

10/4241L - SATB / SAB
99/2996L - Performance / Accomp. CD

Come to Us, Emmanuel
Ruth Elaine Schram pairs the chant-like "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" with an expressive original melody to create this sensitive Advent anthem. Its flexible voicing (for SAB or SATB) makes this piece a versatile choice for seasonal worship, and one that will be easily learned in minimal rehearsal time. Part for optional C instrument is included in score, and an Accompaniment CD is available.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4576L - SATB or SAB
99/3319L - Accompaniment CD

Easy Anthems for Classic Worship Volume 6
This collection includes pieces for Advent, Christmas, Palm Sunday, Lent, Communion and general occasions in a variety of styles. All of these are proven winners from composers and arrangers Joel Raney, Lloyd Larson, Joe Martin, John Carter, Jay Althouse, Marty Parks, and Ruth Elaine Schram. Each is set for SAB or two-part mixed choirs. Make these excellent arrangements a part of your choir's library.

8694 - SAB / Two-Part Mixed

Emmanuel, Expected Jesus
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
This fervent plea for the Messiah to come is truly a creative blend of familiar texts and tunes that work surprisingly well when partnered. Ample unison passages ensure quick preparation of this devotional anthem during the busy Advent/Christmas season. The optional cello part (included in score) adds a dimension of warmth to this inspired anthem.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/3724L - SATB with Opt. Cello
10/4753L - Two-part Mixed
99/2312L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Every Valley
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Based on Isaiah 40 and Luke 3, this is a gently powerful work for Advent that quotes both the Old Testament prophecy and its New Testament fulfillment. This confident anthem of promise will be even stronger with the addition of the optional Trumpet part included in the score.

Shawnee Press
A7912 - SATB

God With Us
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MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
This highly expressive Advent anthem is adapted from Matthew 1: 21-23. The men's voices introduce the melody, singing the words the angel said to Joseph: "She will give birth to a son...and you are to give Him the name Jesus..." The dynamics and sensitive text are enhanced by the gently rising and falling musical phrases.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

16185 - SATB (Level Three)

God's Big Family
In "God's Big Family," celebrated composer Ruth Elaine Schram has crafted a great resource for today's Christian children's choirs. Its six easy unison anthems are both fun and fun to sing and include optional second voice parts written in easy-to-teach formats such as echo, call and response, and partner song. With texts that serve the entire church year, each piece in this collection features a supportive and playable keyboard accompaniment.

Songs are included for Advent, Christmas, Easter, Family Emphasis, and General use. There are also optional parts for small percussion and body percussion that reinforce rhythmic acuity, and optional body motions and sign language provide beautiful visual appeal while developing gross motor skills. The corresponding reproducible narrations make these anthems perfect for worship, Sunday School and Christian School programs, and special fellowship events. The collection includes reproducible song sheets and (if purchased in this format) a Performance/Accompaniment CD delightfully orchestrated by Tim Hayden.

30/2716L - Book/CD Combination
30/2726L - Songbook (only)

He Is the Light that Shines
View scoreView SATB score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen
An Advent anthem with a feeling of quiet urgency, this piece would also be suitable for a Christmas service of lessons and carols. "Prepare your heart, prepare your mind, so that when He comes, you will find more than King, more than child, more than Savior divine, He is the Light that Shines..."

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

17996 - SAB (Level Two)

He Will Be the Love
The emphasis upon Divine love is a universal image of promise for the season of lights. With a memorable melody, this graceful anthem weaves a spell of beauty, making it ideal for the candle lighting moment in your Advent service. A very achievable accompaniment gently supports the voices while adding a tasteful adornment to the spirit of the piece. Gorgeous Cello part is included in the score.

Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press)
35027922 - SATB, opt. Cello

I Was Glad: Psalm 122
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Here is a wonderful addition to the repertoire for children, youth, or women's choir.  This piece offers an infectious rhythm, memorable tune, and easy Two Part writing.  Though this text is often associated with Advent, this joyful piece would work well for any Sunday.

0-8006-7665-3 - Two Part

In That Day
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
This rhythmic, upbeat anthem is a change of pace for Advent or Christ the King Sunday, quoting the passage from Isaiah 12 as the basis for the text.  With joy and assurance we sing of His promised salvation.  Much unison and two part singing, and the repetitious nature of this piece, make it memorable and easy to learn.  Changes in voicing and dynamics add interest and propel it forward to the victorious climax.

Shawnee Press
A7770 - SATB

In the Silence, Wondrous Love
View scoreView SATB score page 7, page 8
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Gorgeous blending of "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" and "What Wondrous Love Is This," creating an anthem suitable anytime during Advent, and perfect for Christmas Eve Communion services. Lovely flute part is included in the score. Available for SA(T)B voices or Two Part Mixed.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

21575 - SATB or SAB (Level Three)
21576 - Two Part Mixed (Level Two)

An Invitation for Advent
Beckoning for Emmanuel to "come and set us free," this anthem for Advent combines original music and text with the beloved Advent hymn, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." Optional egg shakers and a stirring piano accompaniment enhance the sense of longing with its gentle and continuous rhythmic drive. Words and Music by Ruth Elaine Schram, arranged by Douglas Nolan.

Shawnee Press
35029815 - Unison/opt. 2-Part Treble
35030978 - SAB
35029822 - Celebration Trax A/P CD

Jesus Is Our Christmas Peace
Strains of "Still, Still, Still" open this gently expressive anthem, weaving in and out of the texture as the text offers an ardent prayer for the Prince of Peace to bring peace to a world beset by turmoil. Ruth Elaine Schram and Paul Baertschi give us gorgeous new music with delightful harmonic surprises in this easily prepared anthem suitable for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Absolutely beautiful for Christmas Eve services.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4120L - SATB

Jesus, Christmas Treasure
MP3 audioClick here to listen
These beautiful melodies and inspired lyrics, artfully crafted by Ruth Elaine Schram, will enhance any yuletide worship experience. Vocalists and accompanists alike will embrace the lush musical settings, and congregations will be equally moved by these musical renditions that anticipate and celebrate the birth of the Messiah. This versatile resource includes an accompaniment CD for rehearsal or performance purposes. Optional String Synth keyboard parts are also included on the CD as data files, providing a creative performance option when used with the piano accompaniment. (These files are also available as a free download from the publisher.)

In addition to the ten Accompaniment Tracks, two bonus tracks are included: "Hear the Angels Sing" (full orchestration by Stan Pethel recorded with live instruments) and "Holy Night, Silent Night" (medley of "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night," orchestrated by Ruth Elaine Schram, recorded with live String Orchestra).

30/2596L - Medium Voice / Piano & Synth

Let Hope Be Our Light
This tender Advent affirmation is a delicate reminder of the hope we hold in the promises of God. Ideal for the lighting of the hope candle, this piece joins last year's best-selling anthem, "Light a Candle for Peace" (A8771) in a series of Advent pieces by Ruth Elaine Schram in a beautiful progression leading to the manger. The gentle flute obbligato (included in score) adds a magic touch to the timbre of the song.

Shawnee Press
A8883 - SATB

Light a Candle for Peace
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
This gentle, flexible anthem is a perfect choice when lighting the peace candle during Advent. However it is not so specific to Advent that it could not be used throughout the year for other services with a "peace" focus. The optional child's solo can be a breathtaking option (particularly if used for 9/11 remembrance services) and the flowing keyboard writing helps make this a real winner. Ruth Elaine Schram is known for her tender music of hope and she has touched this subject with her special magical melding of melody and text. Cello obligato included in score, which adds a beautiful, crowning touch.

Shawnee Press
A8771 - SATB (opt. Child solo or section)

Light the Advent Candle
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MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
Unison / Two Part (any combination) anthem incorporates two beloved traditional carols, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" and "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence."   It may be performed each week during Advent, singing the words "hope," "peace," "love," and "joy" on successive Sundays, or as an anthem any Sunday during Advent.  Suitable for performance by both treble and mixed unison or Two Part voices, this delightful anthem also incorporates optional narration and congregational participation, making it ideal for Advent candlelighting ceremonies.   Optional flute part is included in the score.

20004 - Unison / Optional Two Part

Lighting the Flame of Hope
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
This flexible anthem is designed to accompany the weekly ritual of illuminating the candles of the Advent wreath. Several performance options are given, including the use of this piece each week during Advent, or any one week of your choice using the appropriate text and scripture, or straight through utilizing all verses. An optional flute obbligato is included which underscores the optional scriptural narrations included in the score. Utilizing the traditional French carol, Carol of the Birds, this graceful anthem will make a delightful addition to worship during the Advent season. In addition, two endings are included: one minor and one major. If using this all four weeks of Advent, the composer suggests using the minor ending for the first three weeks, and the major ending on the last week for variety. Voiced for Two Part Mixed with cues for Alto to easily turn this into an SAB anthem.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

29407 - Two Part Mixed (opt. SAB)

Like a Child, I Wait
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
This tender ballad is an insightful look through the eyes of the child in all of us as we await the promised Messiah. The memorable melody, accessible parts and supportive accompaniment make this the perfect anthem consideration for Sundays early in Advent. "Like a child, I wait for the promises to be fulfilled...with a simple child-like faith..." Optional Flute part included in score. Beautiful!

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Exaltation (Lorenz)
10/3575L - SATB with Opt. Flute
99/2142L - Accompaniment CD

Like A Rose (cover) Like A Rose
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This tender new setting of the famous passages from Isaiah 35:1-6 and Isaiah 40:4-5 paints a beautiful picture of new life and healing through the coming of the Messiah. "...O, how we are longing; our hope ever grows for the day of his coming, when the desert will blossom like a rose..." Set for mixed voices with a flowing piano accompaniment that is as much a joy to play as to hear. Good any time during Advent, or on a gray, wintry Sunday before Christmas.

16034 - SATB (Level Three)

Looking For the Light
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If you're looking for an Advent anthem to express a feeling of joyous expectation, look no further than this upbeat, contemporary selection.  Sing this with or without piano, but be sure to use the pizzicato string bass, and triangle to tell the world that something wonderful is about to happen!  Layered vocals, tight rhythms, cool harmonies - this song is bursting with fun.

Hal Leonard
08744209 - SATB / Percussion (opt. a cappella)
08744228 - Accompaniment CD

Lord of the Stars
A rich, soulful melody enhances the air of mystery and wonder in this expressive anthem for Advent. Written in a minor key, the piece prayerfully asks, "When will You come to us?" The well-crafted piece also incorporates the beloved hymn, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" that heightens the sense of yearning for the coming of the Messiah.

Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press)
HL 35028257 - Unison / Opt. 2-Part Treble
35028264 - Celebration Trax A/P CD

Lord's a-Coming, We're Awaiting
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
The expectation of the season is expertly set up by a rhythmic ostinato as the title of this piece is chanted throughout. Ruthie has skillfully captured the Southern Gospel sound in the simple, yet effective four-part writing and the idiomatic accompaniment of this well-wrought selection. Fun, upbeat Accompaniment CD is also available.

Carl Fischer
CM8739 - SATB
CM8739CD - Accompaniment CD

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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Ruth Elaine Schram has written a setting of the Magnificat that brings to life this beautiful text for children and young singers that also works well with adults.  Written with a clear understanding of the developing voice, this memorable tune will be a favorite of any age group.  Lovely flute part is included in the score.

0-8006-7668-8 - Two Part Any Combination

Magnify the Lord
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Lush setting of two beloved scripture passages: Psalm 34:3 (Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.) and Luke 1:46-54 (the Magnificat, as spoken by Mary). The two passages are woven seamlessly and complement one another beautifully.  A unique and beautiful selection any time during the Christmas season, especially Christmas Eve.

Carl Fischer
CM8668 - SAB
VF8 - Included in "They Could Not" Solo Collection

My Heart, Your Bethlehem
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
A delicate, yet powerful musical message is tastefully joined with the familiar carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem" in this heartfelt expression for the Christmas season by David Gaines and Ruth Elaine Schram. A short, optional a cappella section quoting the hymn is artfully woven in to this arrangement. Optional string orchestra parts (by David Dixon) bring additional beauty to this reflective setting. String score and parts or an Accompaniment CD are available separately.

Monarch (Lorenz)
10/2805M - SATB
10/3997L - SAB
30/1762M - String Parts
99/1683M - Accompaniment CD

My Hope Is In You
View scoreView SATB score page 3, page 4
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB Advent Lyric)
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB General Lyric)
Gorgeous song of praise with dual text for Advent or General use throughout the year. Based on Psalm 25, with fluid, supportive piano accompaniment. "To You, O Lord, I lift my soul; my hope is in You all day long ..." Available in two voicings; optional solo violin part (or other C-instrument) is included in the score and adds a lovely touch.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Alfred (formerly Warner Bros.)
BSCM03051 - SAB

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
The beloved Advent text is given fresh treatment when paired with the beautiful Scottish folk melody, "Waly, Waly."   Fluid piano accompaniment underscores the voice parts and enhances the beauty of the text.  Two part scoring (sopranos and altos in unison, tenors and basses in unison) and antiphonal writing make this easy to prepare during the busy holiday season.

Alfred (formerly Warner Bros.)
BSCM01039 - SATB

Once in Royal Bethlehem
Cleverly combining two Christmas favorites, this tender anthem provides the opportunity for a children's choir (or soloist or small ensemble) to open with the melody to "Once in Royal David's City." This transitions seamlessly into "O Little Town of Bethlehem." The optional cello accompaniment helps to set a mood of peace and joy for your Christmas Worship Service.

10/4911L - SATB/Children's Choir
99/3776L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Personent Hodie
"On this day earth shall ring with the song children sing. To the Child born a King, sing we alleluia!" This well-known 16th century carol text and melody is embellished in this creative setting. Alternating between Latin and English text, with piano accompaniment and optional 3-octave handbells, this sparkling arrangement is perfect as a processional or from the platform during your Christmas Worship Service. Available in multiple voicings for Adult, Ladies, Men, Youth, or Children's Choirs.

Choristers Guild
CGE190 - SSA
CGE191 - TB
CGE192 - SAB
CGE193 - Two-part
CGECD83 - Performance / Accompaniment CD

A Prelude to Advent
One of Chopin's most profoundly engaging melodies (well known to most piano players) forms the foundation of this fascinating Advent offering. Ruthie creates a meaningful dialogue between a treasured carol and this masterful theme. Chorally satisfying, your singers will connect with its tender beauty, and your congregation will feel anchored to the familiar tune. Help keep your Advent worship meaningful with this new anthem.

Beautifully orchestrated by John Purifoy (originally published in the "Noel Masterworks" collection); both the Chamber Orchestration and an Accompaniment CD are available separately.

Brookfield Press (Hal Leonard)
00124938 - SATB
00124951 - Orchestra Score and Parts CD-rom
00124939 - ChoirTrax CD

Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
Especially suited for the 3rd Sunday of Advent, this setting of this favorite Advent text by Laurentius Laurenti uses a dancing 6/8 feel to highlight the sense of joy in the text. Choral parts and accompaniment are easily accessible and fresh making this anthem one you and your choir will enjoy for years to come.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

39142 - SATB

The Rose E'er Blooming
View scoreView SATB score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Stunning, transportive Advent anthem that lyrically weaves together "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" and "What Child Is This?" to create an unforgettable work. Suitable for Advent, Annunciation of Mary, or services of Lessons and Carols.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

20941 - SATB (Level Three)
20943 - Unison / Two Part (Level One)

Send the World a Savior
With words and music by John Parker and Ruth Elaine Schram, "Send the World a Savior" is a passionate plea in musical form, capturing the desire of the Advent season. Scored for SATB ensemble with piano accompaniment and an optional Tenor solo, it is a fun and upbeat work, yet remains reverent. With its powerful dynamic contrast and expressive harmonies, it is a beautiful addition to any Holiday program.

Easy Choir Music
Send the World a Savior - SATB

Simply Carols
In this collection of twelve beloved carols, Ruth Elaine Schram has arranged six unison or two-part songs that celebrate the musical traditions of France, England, Ireland, Wales, Germany, and the United States. It boasts supportive piano accompaniments, reproducible song sheets, and an optional fully orchestrated CD recording (orchestrated by Tim Hayden). As an added bonus, reproducible narrations that give historical detail may be printed in your bulletin or added to the program to introduce each carol and create a special program. "Simply Carols" is an outstanding resource for children's and youth choirs, as well as small adult and senior choirs. Suitable for Church, Sunday School programs, or School.

30/2605L - Songbook and P/A CD
30/2606L - Songbook only

Simply Waiting
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
A musical and textual depiction of the frustration of "simply waiting," yet having the faith that the Advent promises will be fulfilled. Lots of dynamic contrast and some a cappella measures interspersed with rhythmic piano accompaniment make this anthem a unique and dynamic offering for the Advent season.

Laurel Press (Lorenz)
10/3431LA - SATB

Sing for Joy!
Another in the continuing series celebrating the candles of Advent, this cheerful anthem shines joy into the sanctuary. A lightly syncopated theme drives the energy of the piece forward, and the simple yet profound message looks toward the birth of Jesus. As is the case with all pieces in this series, the music is well crafted and arranged for the success of your ensemble. Use the easy handbells (2 octaves, included in score) for a special touch!

Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press)
HL 35028394 - SATB / Handbells

A Thankful Heart this Christmas
This piece, with its moving text, is a wonderful teaching tool for the Christmas season. "Lord, grant me a thankful heart, an attitude of gratitude; and help me appreciate what's already mine, all the things I wanted before. I've been blessed beyond compare; I have toys and games to spare. And I realize there's just one thing more that I should be asking for: I want a thankful heart this Christmas." This lovely, poignant anthem for children is not to be missed! Accompaniment / Performance CD available.

Shawnee Press
35029274 - Unison
35029266 - Celebration Trax A/P CD

There Will Be Joy
Handel's buoyant "Joy to the World" is referenced in this uplifting original anthem from Ruthie Schram, which is suitable for Advent or Christmas Eve. The flexible textures are sure to work well for smaller choirs or as a one-rehearsal anthem for larger choirs, offering a perfect worship resource for the busy holiday season. (Voiced SATB; for Two-part Mixed, simply omit the Alto and Bass notes.)

10/4132L - SATB or Two-part Mixed

Upon a Midnight Clear (cover) Upon a Midnight Clear
Come to Bethlehem and relive that midnight clear when "the world in solemn stillness lay to hear the angels sing." In this 35-minute Christmas musical, veterans John Purifoy and Ruth Elaine Schram have captured the joy of Christmas in dynamic and tender musical moments. The work begins with the beautiful "Stand Still and Wait" by Cynthia Clawson, and gracefully carries us from Advent to the birth of our Savior.

The narration (by Mark Cabaniss) incorporates brief character monologues that give an account of their role on that first Christmas night long ago, bringing it to life in vivid tones. Optional congregational participation is included, as well as the optional incorporation of children's voices. Add the simple, optional staging and candlelight touches to create an unforgettable Christmas worship experience for your church and community.

Exquisite orchestration by Ed Hogan; Accompaniment CD available as well as part-dominant rehearsal aids.

Watch the Digital Reading Session with Mark Cabaniss, John Purifoy, and Ruth Elaine Schram here!

more info...

Alfred / Jubilate
44526 - SATB
44527 - Preview Pack
44528 - Rehearsal CDs (2)
44529 - Listening CD
44530 - InstruTrax CD
44531 - Bulk CD pack
44532 - Orchestration Score and Parts CD-Rom

Waiting For Emmanuel
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
The plaintive melody and text of this lovely Advent offering are surrounded by piano and optional cello part (included in score). Describing familiar Biblical characters, as well as all of us who wait for the arrival of a Savior "...each with a need that only He could fill..." An excellent choice for Advent and Christmas.

Hal Leonard
08745313 - SATB
08745150 - BonusTrax CD

Waiting for the Star
Here is another creative gem from the pen of Ruth Elaine Schram, appropriate for Advent, Christmas or Epiphany. The Latin style, supported by keyboard accompaniment and optional parts for tambourine and shaker, seems to be a perfect fit with the engaging text. Your choir will love to sing this piece and your congregation will love to hear it!

Jubilate (Alfred Music)
080689170232 - SATB / Piano / Percussion

View scoreView SATB score page 1, page 2, page 3
MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
Waiting! is a jubilant Advent anthem with gently syncopated rhythms that evoke an energetic "island" flavor.  For an added festive touch, it may be performed with percussion instruments (claves, cowbell, sandblock and bongos; instrumental pack available separately) or with the accompaniment track.  Instrumentation by L. C. Harnsberger.

18375 - SAB (Level Two)
18378 - Instrumental Pack

Waiting, Wandering, Wondering
Ideal for the season of waiting, this haunting Advent anthem is for any combination of Two Part voices. Using simple part writing, this piece is accessible to Adult Mixed Ensembles or Treble Choirs who are developing their part-singing ability. Attention to dynamic contrasts will assure a meaningful presentation of this original composition. Performance / Accompaniment CD available.

C 5910 - Two-Part Any Combination
C 5910C - P/A CD

Walking to Bethlehem
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Thoughtful text by Lynne Wolfe-Richards and Ruth Elaine Schram is perfect for the Advent season or just before Christmas.  The walking tempo supports the theme of the song, which follows Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem.  "...No one pays attention to this couple on the street; just another family with weary feet. No one knows the child that she is carrying will be our Messiah..."

Harold Flammer (Shawnee Press)
A7303 - SATB

Watch Now
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Contemplative Advent anthem (loosely based upon Mark 13:35-36 and Psalm 121:4) admonishes us to watch for the gift of God's Son, because we do not want to be sleeping when He comes. Bridge section ponders when He might arrive, giving this part of the song a lovely, poetic lift depicting the various times of day. Fluid piano accompaniment supports the voices which alternate between rich four part harmony, then going back and forth between men and women on melody. Set in minor mode, a longer than usual (7 measures) piano introduction sets the introspective mood of the piece. Beginning softly, it builds to its apex then ends softly, with the voices echoing the dramatic and anticipatory scripture: "Watch now, for you know not when He comes."

Exaltation (Lorenz)
10/3344L - SATB

We Wait
This unforgettable Advent anthem (in the "Ready to Worship" series) with lovely original text images incorporates the traditional carol "We Three Kings of Orient Are" (music by John H. Hopkins, Jr.). It prompts us to consider that we all are waiting for the Messiah. Flexibly voiced for SATB or SAB choirs, accompanied by Piano with a gorgeous Cello obligato (optional; available as a free digital download from Lorenz). Beautifully recorded Accompaniment CD available.

To download the cello part, visit and search 10/4372L.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4372L - SATB / SAB / Piano with Opt. Cello
99/3177L - Performance/Accompaniment CD

When Will the Little King Come?
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This charming anthem of expectation has been a perennial best-seller since the publication of the two-part version in 1990.  It is perfect for Advent and also serves well for Christ the King Sunday.  Because of the antiphony, the Two Part version is an excellent teaching piece for choirs beginning to sing in parts, unison choirs, or young voices, but is also suitable for senior adults or mixed choirs with limited rehearsal time.  The SAB and SATB voicings are fuller, but not difficult to learn.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

7951 - SATB (Level 2)
7950 - SAB (Level 2)
7794 - Two Part any combination
21004 - Unison or two part

Who Are We Waiting For?
A sense of longing and mystery surrounds this contemplative Advent piece that asks, "Who are we waiting for?" Excellent for introducing other Biblical names of Jesus, this anthem utilizes a minor key, repeated phrases, and optional flute to communicate a heartfelt yearning to know the long-awaited Messiah.

Shawnee Press
35031746 - Unison / Optional 2-Part Treble
35031751 - CelebrationTrax A/P CD

Will You Make Room?
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Reflecting on the many things that make Christmas so special, the writing team of David S. Gaines and Ruth Elaine Schram asks, "Will you make room for the Christ-child, a home for Him on earth? Will you make room for the Spirit as He brings new birth? Will you make room in your life for love's pure light to shine?..."  Poignant and filled with sentiment, this anthem moves quietly through a mood of introspection, and briefly quotes portions of "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne."  (The entire hymn is printed on the back of the anthem if you wish to incorporate it into the anthem or your worship service.)  Effective any time during Advent or Christmas.

Monarch (Lorenz)
10/3179M - SATB

You Are the Reason
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The tender three-part setting of this simple, eloquent text is the perfect musical way to warmly welcome the newborn Savior. Graciously supported by a flowing keyboard accompaniment, this gentle piece will be particularly useful for Advent services.

Carl Fischer
CM8715 - SAB

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